
Dr. Yingfeng Wang leads the Machine Intelligence lab at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He is working with the following lab members.

Meng Hsiu Tsai is a Ph.D. student of Computer Science. His research interests include AI Biology and Natural Language Processing. Google Scholar

Amin Riazi is a Master’s student of Data Analytics. He is focused on Machine Learning and GPU Programming.

Yifan Liu is a Master’s student of Computer Science. He is focused on Graph Grammar.


Spencer Arnold, CS Undergraduate Student, Master’s Student of Computer Science, 2020-2023

Kristi Herin, Master’s Student of Data Analytics, 2022

Kim Hong Do, Master’s Student of Data Analytics, 2022

Caleb Beckler, CS Undergraduate Student, Honors College, Research Fellow, 2020-2022

David Mehovic, CS Undergraduate Student, 2021-2022